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Model getters

Method name Return type Description Notes
getHash() string The SHA-512 hash of the transaction
Example: 1A32A054B04AC9D6814710DDCA416E72C4CD2D78D6C3DFC06CC9369CC4F6B250
getLedgerIndex() float The ledger index of the ledger that includes this transaction.
Example: 760469
getAccount() string The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.
Example: rPT1Sjq2YGrBMTttX4GZHjKu9dyfzbpAYe
getAmount() string Amount of transaction, in drops. 1 drop = 0.000001 XRP.
Example: 1000000000
getDestination() string Recipient account address.
getFee() string Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements.
Example: 12
getTransactionType() string Type of the transaction. XRp supports more than 18 transaction types. For the payment, Payment type is used.
Example: Payment
getFlags() float Set of bit-flags for this transaction.
Example: 2147483648
getLastLedgerSequence() float Last ledger, in which this transaction could have occured.
Example: 760473
getSequence() float The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account.
Example: 118697
getDate() float Timestamp of the transaction, in Ripple epoch (946684800 seconds after Unix Epoch)
Example: 622916620
getInLedger() float Ledger, in which transaction took place.
Example: 760469
getSigningPubKey() string
Example: 02356E89059A75438887F9FEE2056A2890DB82A68353BE9C0C0C8F89C0018B37FC
getTxnSignature() string
Example: 304402206BB719587C55513515C092122813BC71C0BA28E7061830ABE6395308A1CAA0B302205B8256181965BB1345902597B2D3F1670F5F23A2E62097B3CCAA1F2EE631655E
getMeta() \Tatum\Model\XrpTxMeta
Example: null
getValidated() bool Whether or not the transaction is included in a validated ledger. Any transaction not yet in a validated ledger is subject to change.
Example: true