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Blockchain addresses API Reference

// Set your API Keys 👇 here
$sdk = new \Tatum\Sdk();

// MainNet API Call

// TestNet API Call


Method Description
addressExists() Check whether a blockchain address is assigned to a virtual account
assignAddress() Assign a blockchain address to a virtual account
generateDepositAddress() Create a deposit address for a virtual account
generateDepositAddressesBatch() Create multiple deposit addresses for a virtual account
getAllDepositAddresses() Get all deposit addresses for a virtual account
removeAddress() Remove a deposit address from a virtual account



#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f addressExists.php


GET /v3/offchain/account/address/{address}/{currency}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->blockchainAddresses()->addressExists(
    string $currency,
    string $address,
    [ float $index ]
): \Tatum\Model\Account


Name Type Description Notes
$currency string The cryptocurrency of the blockchain address to check  
$address string The blockchain address to check  
$index float Only for BNB Beacon Chain, Stellar, or XRPL<ul><li>For <b>BNB Beacon Chain</b>, specify the memo.</li><li>For <b>Stellar</b>, specify the message.</li><li>For <b>XRPL</b>, specify the DestinationTag.</li></ul> [optional]

Return type



Check whether a blockchain address is assigned to a virtual account

1 credit per API call

Check whether a blockchain address with the specified cryptocurrency is registered within Tatum and is assigned to a virtual account (that is, whether this blockchain address is a deposit address associated with the virtual account).

If the blockchain address is assigned to a virtual account, information about this account is returned. Otherwise, an error message is returned.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f assignAddress.php


POST /v3/offchain/account/{id}/address/{address}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->blockchainAddresses()->assignAddress(
    string $id,
    string $address,
    [ float $index ]
): \Tatum\Model\Address


Name Type Description Notes
$id string The ID of the virtual account to assign a blockchain address to  
$address string The blockchain address to assign to the virtual account  
$index float Destination tag or memo attribute for XRP or XLM addresses [optional]

Return type



Assign a blockchain address to a virtual account

2 credits per API call

Assign an existing blockchain address to a virtual account. The blockchain address becomes a deposit address associated with this account.Use this API when the virtual account has no default extended public key (xpub) and deposit addresses are handled manually.

You can assign multiple blockchain addresses to one virtual account. When you have multiple blockchain addresses assigned to the same virtual account, you aggregate various blockchain transactions from different addresses under a single account. You can deposit funds from another blockchain address to a deposit address associated with the virtual account, and the funds will be credited to that virtual account.

Scanning for incoming deposits By default, deposit addresses are scanned for incoming deposits. Deposit addresses are automatically synchronized with the associated virtual account, and you can see incoming deposits on the virtual account. Scanning deposit addresses for incoming deposits consumes 20 credits per address per day.

If you want to be notified about certain events occurring on the deposit addresses, subscribe for notifications.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f generateDepositAddress.php


POST /v3/offchain/account/{id}/address

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->blockchainAddresses()->generateDepositAddress(
    string $id,
    [ float $index ]
): \Tatum\Model\Address


Name Type Description Notes
$id string Account ID  
$index float <p>Derivation path index for specific address. If not present, last used index for given xpub of account + 1 is used. We recommend not to pass this value manually, since when some of the indexes are skipped, it is not possible to use them lately to generate address from it.</p> [optional]

Return type



Create a deposit address for a virtual account

2 credits per API call On Flow, additional 3000 credits are consumed for each created address.

Create a deposit address associated with a virtual account.

You can create multiple deposit addresses for one virtual account. When you have multiple deposit addresses created for the same virtual account, you aggregate various blockchain transactions from different addresses under a single account. You can deposit funds from another blockchain address to a deposit address associated with the virtual account, and the funds will be credited to that virtual account.

Scanning for incoming deposits By default, deposit addresses are scanned for incoming deposits. Deposit addresses are automatically synchronized with the associated virtual account, and you can see incoming deposits on the virtual account. Scanning deposit addresses for incoming deposits consumes 20 credits per address per day.

If you want to be notified about certain events occurring on the deposit addresses, subscribe for notifications.

Virtual account cryptocurrency

Depending on the cryptocurrency of the virtual account, this API generates:

  • Public address for BTC, BCH, ETH, or LTC
  • DestinationTag for XRP
  • Message for XLM

For fore information about supported blockchains and address types, see the API for creating virtual accounts.

Deposit addresses are generated in the natural order of the extended public key provided in the virtual account. The derivation index is the representation of that order; it starts from 0 and ends at 2^31.

When a new deposit address is generated, the last not used index is used to generate the address. You can skip some addresses to a different index, which means all the skipped addresses will no longer be used.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f generateDepositAddressesBatch.php


POST /v3/offchain/account/address/batch

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->blockchainAddresses()->generateDepositAddressesBatch(
    \Tatum\Model\OffchainAddresses $offchain_addresses
): \Tatum\Model\Address[]


Name Type Description Notes
$offchain_addresses \Tatum\Model\OffchainAddresses    

Return type



Create multiple deposit addresses for a virtual account

2 credits per API call + 1 credit for each created address On Flow, additional 3000 credits are consumed for each created address.

Create multiple deposit addresses associated with a virtual account.

When you have multiple deposit addresses created for the same virtual account, you aggregate various blockchain transactions from different addresses under a single account. You can deposit funds from another blockchain address to a deposit address associated with the virtual account, and the funds will be credited to that virtual account.

Scanning for incoming deposits By default, deposit addresses are scanned for incoming deposits. Deposit addresses are automatically synchronized with the associated virtual account, and you can see incoming deposits on the virtual account. Scanning deposit addresses for incoming deposits consumes 20 credits per address per day.

If you want to be notified about certain events occurring on the deposit addresses, subscribe for notifications.

Virtual account cryptocurrency

Depending on the cryptocurrency of the virtual account, this API generates:

  • Public address for BTC, BCH, ETH, or LTC
  • DestinationTag for XRP
  • Message for XLM

For fore information about supported blockchains and address types, see the API for creating virtual accounts.

Deposit addresses are generated in the natural order of the extended public key provided in the virtual account. The derivation index is the representation of that order; it starts from 0 and ends at 2^31.

When a new deposit address is generated, the last not used index is used to generate the address. You can skip some addresses to a different index, which means all the skipped addresses will no longer be used.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f getAllDepositAddresses.php


GET /v3/offchain/account/{id}/address

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->blockchainAddresses()->getAllDepositAddresses(
    string $id
): \Tatum\Model\Address[]


Name Type Description Notes
$id string The ID of the virtual account to get deposit addresses for  

Return type



Get all deposit addresses for a virtual account

1 credit per API call

Get all deposit addresses generated for a virtual account.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f removeAddress.php


DELETE /v3/offchain/account/{id}/address/{address}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->blockchainAddresses()->removeAddress(
    string $id,
    string $address,
    [ float $index ]


Name Type Description Notes
$id string Account ID  
$address string Blockchain address  
$index float Destination tag or memo attribute for XRP, BNB or XLM addresses [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)


Remove a deposit address from a virtual account

1 credit per API call

Remove a deposit address from the virtual account.

The deposit address will no longer be scanned for incoming deposits. You will no longer be able to generate this address again.

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