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Dogecoin API Reference

// Set your API Keys 👇 here
$sdk = new \Tatum\Sdk();

// MainNet API Call

// TestNet API Call


Method Description
dogeBroadcast() Broadcast signed Dogecoin transaction
dogeGenerateAddress() Generate Dogecoin deposit address from Extended public key
dogeGenerateAddressPrivateKey() Generate Dogecoin private key
dogeGenerateWallet() Generate Dogecoin wallet
dogeGetBlock() Get Dogecoin Block by hash or height
dogeGetBlockChainInfo() Get Dogecoin Blockchain Information
dogeGetBlockHash() Get Dogecoin Block hash
dogeGetMempool() Get Mempool Transactions
dogeGetRawTransaction() Get Dogecoin Transaction by hash
dogeGetUTXO() Get information about a transaction output (UTXO) in a Dogecoin transaction
dogeTransactionUTXO() Send DOGE to Dogecoin addresses
dogeTransactionUTXOKMS() Send DOGE to Dogecoin addresses



#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeBroadcast.php


POST /v3/dogecoin/broadcast

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeBroadcast(
    \Tatum\Model\BroadcastKMS $broadcast_kms
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$broadcast_kms \Tatum\Model\BroadcastKMS    

Return type



Broadcast signed Dogecoin transaction

2 credits per API call.

Broadcast signed transaction to Dogecoin blockchain. This method is used internally from Tatum KMS or Tatum client libraries. It is possible to create custom signing mechanism and use this method only for broadcasting data to the blockchain.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeGenerateAddress.php


GET /v3/dogecoin/address/{xpub}/{index}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeGenerateAddress(
    string $xpub,
    float $index
): \Tatum\Model\DogeGenerateAddress200Response


Name Type Description Notes
$xpub string Extended public key of wallet.  
$index float Derivation index of desired address to be generated.  

Return type



Generate Dogecoin deposit address from Extended public key

1 credit per API call.

Generate Dogecoin deposit address from Extended public key. Deposit address is generated for the specific index - each extended public key can generate up to 2^31 addresses starting from index 0 until 2^31 - 1.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeGenerateAddressPrivateKey.php


POST /v3/dogecoin/wallet/priv

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeGenerateAddressPrivateKey(
    \Tatum\Model\PrivKeyRequest $priv_key_request
): \Tatum\Model\PrivKey


Name Type Description Notes
$priv_key_request \Tatum\Model\PrivKeyRequest    

Return type



Generate Dogecoin private key

2 credits per API call.

Generate private key for address from mnemonic for given derivation path index. Private key is generated for the specific index - each mnemonic can generate up to 2^32 private keys starting from index 0 until 2^31 - 1.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeGenerateWallet.php


GET /v3/dogecoin/wallet

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeGenerateWallet(
    [ string $mnemonic ]
): \Tatum\Model\Wallet


Name Type Description Notes
$mnemonic string Mnemonic to use for generation of extended public and private keys. [optional]

Return type



Generate Dogecoin wallet

1 credit per API call.

Tatum supports BIP44 HD wallets. It is very convenient and secure, since it can generate 2^31 addresses from 1 mnemonic phrase. Mnemonic phrase consists of 24 special words in defined order and can restore access to all generated addresses and private keys. Each address is identified by 3 main values:

  • Private Key - your secret value, which should never be revealed
  • Public Key - public address to be published
  • Derivation index - index of generated address

Tatum follows BIP44 specification and generates for Dogecoin wallet with derivation path m’/44’/3’/0’/0. More about BIP44 HD wallets can be found here - Generate BIP44 compatible Dogecoin wallet.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeGetBlock.php


GET /v3/dogecoin/block/{hash}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeGetBlock(
    string $hash
): \Tatum\Model\DogeBlock


Name Type Description Notes
$hash string Block hash or height.  

Return type



Get Dogecoin Block by hash or height

1 credit per API call.

Get Dogecoin Block detail by block hash or height.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeGetBlockChainInfo.php


GET /v3/dogecoin/info

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeGetBlockChainInfo(): \Tatum\Model\DogeInfo


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



Get Dogecoin Blockchain Information

1 credit per API call.

Get Dogecoin Blockchain Information. Obtain basic info like testnet / mainnet version of the chain, current block number and it’s hash.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeGetBlockHash.php


GET /v3/dogecoin/block/hash/{i}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeGetBlockHash(
    float $i
): \Tatum\Model\LtcGetBlockHash200Response


Name Type Description Notes
$i float The number of blocks preceding a particular block on a block chain.  

Return type



Get Dogecoin Block hash

1 credit per API call.

Get Dogecoin Block hash. Returns hash of the block to get the block detail.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeGetMempool.php


GET /v3/dogecoin/mempool

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeGetMempool(): string[]


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



Get Mempool Transactions

1 credit per API call.

Get Dogecoin Transaction ids in the mempool.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeGetRawTransaction.php


GET /v3/dogecoin/transaction/{hash}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeGetRawTransaction(
    string $hash
): \Tatum\Model\DogeTx


Name Type Description Notes
$hash string Transaction hash  

Return type



Get Dogecoin Transaction by hash

1 credit per API call.

Get Dogecoin Transaction detail by transaction hash.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeGetUTXO.php


GET /v3/dogecoin/utxo/{hash}/{index}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeGetUTXO(
    string $hash,
    float $index
): \Tatum\Model\DogeUTXO


Name Type Description Notes
$hash string The transaction hash  
$index float The index of the transaction output that you want to check for the UTXO  

Return type



Get information about a transaction output (UTXO) in a Dogecoin transaction

1 credit per API call

Get information about a transaction output in a transaction and check whether this output is a UTXO or has been spent.

“UTXO” stands for “Unspent Transaction Output”. A UTXO is the amount of DOGE that remains at a Dogecoin address after a cryptocurrency transaction involving this address has been performed. The UTXO can then be used as input for a new cryptocurrency transaction. For more information about the UTXO, see the Bitcoin user documentation.

  • If the transaction output is an UTXO, the API returns data about it.
  • If the transaction output has been spent and there is no UTXO to return, the API returns an error with the 404 response code.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeTransactionUTXO.php


POST /v3/dogecoin/transaction

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeTransactionUTXO(
    \Tatum\Model\DogeTransactionUTXO $doge_transaction_utxo
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionSigned


Name Type Description Notes
$doge_transaction_utxo \Tatum\Model\DogeTransactionUTXO    

Return type



Send DOGE to Dogecoin addresses

2 credits per API call

Send DOGE to blockchain addresses.

Dogecoin transactions are based on UTXOs. “UTXO” stands for “Unspent Transaction Output”. A UTXO is the amount of DOGE that remains at a Bitcoin Cash address after a cryptocurrency transaction involving this address has been performed. The UTXO can then be used as input for a new cryptocurrency transaction. For more information the UTXO, see the Bitcoin user documentation. To check UTXOs in a transaction, see the API for getting information about a transaction output (UTXO) in a Dogecoin transaction

You build a DOGE transaction by sending DOGE from UTXOs. Each UTXO is included in the transaction.

When an UTXO is entered into a transaction, the whole UTXO amount is included and must be spent. For example, address A receives two transactions, T1 with 1 DOGE and T2 with 2 DOGE. A transaction that consumes the UTXOs from both T1 and T2 will have an available amount of 3 DOGE to spend:1 DOGE (from T1) + 2 DOGE (from T2) = 3 DOGE (to spend in total)

You can send the assets to one or multiple recipients in one transaction. If you send the assets to multiple addresses, each address must have its own amount to receive.

Paying the gas fee and receiving the change When the amount that the recipients should receive is lower than the amount from the UTXOs, the difference between these two amounts is by default used as the gas fee for the transaction. Because this amount may be considerable and you may not want to spend it all on the gas fee, you can explicitly specify the fee amount and the blockchain address where any extra funds remaining after covering the fee will be sent (the fee and changeAddress parameters in the request body, correspondingly).

Signing a transaction When sending DOGE, you are charged a fee for the transaction, and you must sign the transaction with the private key of the blockchain address from which the fee will be deducted.

Providing the private key in the API is not a secure way of signing transactions, because the private key can be stolen or exposed. Your private keys should never leave your security perimeter. You should use the private keys only for testing a solution you are building on the testnet of a blockchain.

For signing transactions on the mainnet, we strongly recommend that you use the Tatum Key Management System (KMS) and provide the signature ID instead of the private key in the API. Alternatively, you can use the Tatum JavaScript client.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f dogeTransactionUTXOKMS.php


POST /v3/dogecoin/transaction

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->dogecoin()->dogeTransactionUTXOKMS(
    \Tatum\Model\DogeTransactionUTXOKMS $doge_transaction_utxokms
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionSigned


Name Type Description Notes
$doge_transaction_utxokms \Tatum\Model\DogeTransactionUTXOKMS    

Return type



Send DOGE to Dogecoin addresses

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