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Notification subscriptions API Reference

// Set your API Keys 👇 here
$sdk = new \Tatum\Sdk();

// MainNet API Call

// TestNet API Call


Method Description
createSubscriptionBalance() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionContractLogEvent() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionIncoming() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionInterval() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionKMSError() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionKMSSuccess() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionMultiTokenTransferEvent() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionNftTransferEvent() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionNotification() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionPartialTradeMatch() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionPending() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionTradeMatch() Create a subscription
createSubscriptionTxInTheBlock() Create a subscription
deleteSubscription() Cancel existing subscription
disableWebHookHmac() Disable HMAC webhook digest
enableWebHookHmac() Enable HMAC webhook digest
getAllWebhooks() List all executed webhooks
getAllWebhooksCount() Count of found entities for get webhook request
getSubscriptionReport() Obtain report for subscription
getSubscriptions() List all active subscriptions
getSubscriptionsCount() Count of found entities for get webhook request



#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionBalance.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionBalance(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionBalance $create_subscription_balance,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_balance \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionBalance    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionContractLogEvent.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionContractLogEvent(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionContractLogEvent $create_subscription_contract_log_event,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_contract_log_event \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionContractLogEvent    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionIncoming.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionIncoming(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionIncoming $create_subscription_incoming,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_incoming \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionIncoming    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionInterval.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionInterval(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionInterval $create_subscription_interval,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_interval \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionInterval    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionKMSError.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionKMSError(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionKMSError $create_subscription_kms_error,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_kms_error \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionKMSError    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionKMSSuccess.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionKMSSuccess(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionKMSSuccess $create_subscription_kms_success,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_kms_success \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionKMSSuccess    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionMultiTokenTransferEvent.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionMultiTokenTransferEvent(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionMultiTokenTransferEvent $create_subscription_multi_token_transfer_event,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_multi_token_transfer_event \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionMultiTokenTransferEvent    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionNftTransferEvent.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionNftTransferEvent(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionNftTransferEvent $create_subscription_nft_transfer_event,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_nft_transfer_event \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionNftTransferEvent    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionNotification.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionNotification(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionNotification $create_subscription_notification,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_notification \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionNotification    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

2 credits per API call + credits spent on subscriptions themselves Each subscription type consumes a different number of credits.

For Free plans, there is a monthly limit of sent webhooks, which is 1000.

If the webhook is sent unsuccessfully, it will be retried. The number of retries depends on the plan.

  • Free Plan - 3 retries
  • Paid plans - 10 retries

Create a subscription as an HTTP web hook.

The following subscription types are available:

  • ADDRESS_TRANSACTION - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications for any blockchain transaction (both incoming and outgoing) at a specified address. This notification applies to transactions in the native blockchain currency or with any type of blockchain tokens. - For EVM-based blockchains (ETH), this web hook is first invoked when a transaction appears in the mempool, and then it is invoked again once the transaction is added to a block. - For the other blockchains, this webhook is invoked when a transaction is added to a block. Free community plans can monitor up to 10 addresses per plan. The following table describes the availability of this notification type on different blockchains and the credit consumption:

Chain Testnet/Mainnet Token assets support Plan limitation Credit consumption / day / address
Solana Yes/Yes SOL, SPL and NFTs Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 50 credits / day / address
Ethereum Yes (Sepolia, Goerli)/Yes ETH, Internal transfers, ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 25 credits / day / address
Polygon Yes/Yes MATIC, ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 40 credits / day / address
Celo Yes/Yes CELO, Internal transfers, ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 25 credits / day / address
Klaytn Yes/Yes Klay, ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 25 credits / day / address
Bitcoin Yes/Yes BTC Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 5 credits / day / address
Litecoin Yes/Yes LTC Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 7 credits / day / address
Bitcoin Cash Yes/Yes BCH, only incoming transactions Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 5 credits / day / address
Dogecoin Yes/Yes DOGE, only incoming transactions Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 7 credits / day / address
Tron Yes/Yes Tron, TRC10/TRC20 Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 30 credits / day / address
Binance Smart Chain Yes/Yes BSC, BEP20, ERC721, ERC1155 Free plans - 10 addresses across all blockchains, Paid plans - unlimited addresses across all blockchains 40 credits / day / address

The request body of the POST request is a JSON object with the following structure:{ "address": "FykfMwA9WNShzPJbbb9DNXsfgDgS3XZzWiFgrVXfWoPJ", // the address on which the transaction occurs; for EVM-based chains, this is the recipient's address "txId": "2rdy3YCZHSwvpWtuDom1d4Jjy5UU9STLxF3ffXau6GToReDkfw8wEgX541fvzvh6btVC5D8iNapcKTXfPsoDBk7A", // the transaction ID "blockNumber": 110827114, // the block number; does not appear if the transaction is in the mempool (for EVM-based blockchains) "asset": "3gUeeR3BfVhukYJMwtHownRtRkGcf1bvwiV8TbKMZBVz", // the asset of the transaction: for token assets, this is the token address; for native blochckain assets, this is the name of the asset (for example, SOL) "amount": "1", // the amount of the asset that was credited to (+) or debited from (-) the address; for EVM-based chains, when "counterAddress" is present, the amount is always positive "tokenId": "1", // (ERC-721 / ERC-1155 only) the ID of the transferred token "type": "token", // the type of the transaction; can be either "native" or "token" "mempool": true, // (EVM-based blockchains only) if appears and set to "true", the transaction is in the mempool; if set to "false" or does not appear at all, the transaction has been added to a block "counterAddress": undefined // an optional counter party address of the transaction; for EVM-based blockchains, this is the recipient's address "addressesRiskRatio": [ // (optional, subject to change; for Solana mainnet only) risk levels assigned to the addresses with which the address communicated within the transaction; the addresses are assessed using the AML/CFT solution by, see {"vTEfAhXTmvgFmepgfhzBbRrJ4EtUP9adbMJjpzLsDMk": 0}, {"zBbRrJ4EtUP9adbMJjpzLsDMkvTEfAhXTmvgFmepgfh": 100} ] } 5 credits are debited for each fired web hook.

  • CONTRACT_NFT_TXS_PER_BLOCK - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications for any event of minting, transferring, or burning an NFT that was emitted from any smart contract. This notification is fired as a batch notification per block: it includes all NFT minting, transferring, or burning events from all smart contracts that got recorded into a block. Free community plans can monitor 1 event across all blockchains per plan. The following table describes the availability of this notification type on different blockchains and the credit consumption:

Chain Available chains (the “chain” parameter in the response payload) Credit consumption / day
Ethereum ethereum-sepolia / ethereum-goerli / ethereum-mainnet 500,000 credits / day
Polygon polygon-mumbai / polygon-mainnet 500,000 credits / day
Celo celo-testnet / celo-mainnet 500,000 credits / day
Klaytn klaytn-baobab / klaytn-cypress 500,000 credits / day
BNB Smart Chain bsc-testnet / bsc-mainnet 500,000 credits / day

The request body of the POST request is a JSON object with the following structure:{ "events": [ { "timestamp": 1661961758000, "from": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "to": "0xfa4e7035b34294407e5df1603215983d65e5a773", "tokenId": "14671", "txId": "0x916fcf878656f7a3772317697e6d2740ac8b1b7dbe6d029aa79592fd72f3fb0b", "contractAddress": "0x55a2430e32dcebc3649120f26f917d1f0686f74c", "type": "erc721", "amount": "1", "logIndex": 578, "metadataURI": "" } ], "blockNumber": 32522207, "chain": "polygon-mainnet", "subscriptionType": "CONTRACT_NFT_TXS_PER_BLOCK" } 1 credit is debited for each fired web hook.

  • CONTRACT_MULTITOKEN_TXS_PER_BLOCK - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications for any event of minting, transferring, or burning a Multi-Token that was emitted from any smart contract. This notification is fired as a batch notification per block: it includes all Multi Token minting, transferring, or burning events from all smart contracts that got recorded into a block. Free community plans can monitor 1 event across all blockchains per plan. The following table describes the availability of this notification type on different blockchains and the credit consumption:

Chain Available chains (the “chain” parameter in the response payload) Credit consumption / day
Ethereum ethereum-sepolia / ethereum-goerli / ethereum-mainnet 500,000 credits / day
Polygon polygon-mumbai / polygon-mainnet 500,000 credits / day
Celo celo-testnet / celo-mainnet 500,000 credits / day
Klaytn klaytn-baobab / klaytn-cypress 500,000 credits / day
BNB Smart Chain bsc-testnet / bsc-mainnet 500,000 credits / day

The request body of the POST request is a JSON object with the following structure:{ "events": [ { "timestamp": 1661961758000, "from": "0x85bd970cf0e49acd572f9c2d608713bc55b5ee0e", "to": "0x9ab31230d5413e4af01af9bb697651a3c70c95c9", "tokenId": "1450000023306", "txId": "0x565b9ca6b7b5ff1b1ce0725acd785dbf5ff0930d5ff547bad044c0960291555f", "contractAddress": "0xdb6290f355a528a7284bdd528b05a78fb05226ca", "type": "erc1155", "amount": "1", "logIndex": 571, "metadataURI": "" } ], "blockNumber": 32522207, "chain": "polygon-mainnet", "subscriptionType": "CONTRACT_MULTITOKEN_TXS_PER_BLOCK" } 1 credit is debited for each fired web hook.

  • CONTRACT_LOG_EVENT - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications for any event that was emitted from any smart contract. This notification is fired as a batch notification per block: it includes all events from all smart contracts that got recorded into a block. Free community plans can monitor 1 event across all blockchains per plan. The following table describes the availability of this notification type on different blockchains and the credit consumption:

Chain Available chains (the “chain” parameter in the response payload) Credit consumption / day
Ethereum ethereum-sepolia / ethereum-goerli / ethereum-mainnet 50,000 credits / day
Polygon polygon-mumbai / polygon-mainnet 50,000 credits / day
Celo celo-testnet / celo-mainnet 50,000 credits / day
Klaytn klaytn-baobab / klaytn-cypress 50,000 credits / day
BNB Smart Chain bsc-testnet / bsc-mainnet 50,000 credits / day

The request body of the POST request is a JSON object with the following structure:{ "events": [ { "txId": "0xc98307f09ed527d5cff8305e8f65226b790e3317ded10b9e58f6f07286dcf8f1", "logIndex": 326, "timestamp": 1661774265000, "address": "0xc2132d05d31c914a87c6611c10748aeb04b58e8f", "topic_0": "0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef", "topic_1": "0x000000000000000000000000a91ab7d77892a559d2a95baaf1d748fc97c65d29", "topic_2": "0x0000000000000000000000009b08288c3be4f62bbf8d1c20ac9c5e6f9467d8b7", "topic_3": null, "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002c9e3e4" } ], "blockNumber": 32447538, "chain": "polygon-mumbai", "subscriptionType": "CONTRACT_LOG_EVENT" } 1 credit is debited for each fired web hook.

  • ACCOUNT_INCOMING_BLOCKCHAIN_TRANSACTION - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications about incoming blockchain transactions on virtual accounts. This web hook is invoked when an incoming transaction is reflected on the balance of the virtual account (the balance is credited with the transaction amount). This happens when the transaction has the sufficient number of blockchain confirmations: two confirmations for BTC, LTC, BCH, and DOGE, and one confirmation for the other blockchains. The request body of the POST request is a JSON object with the following structure: { "date": 1619176527481, "amount": "0.005", "currency": "BTC", "subscriptionType":"ACCOUNT_INCOMING_BLOCKCHAIN_TRANSACTION", "accountId": "6082ab462936b4478117c6a0", "reference: "c9875708-4ba3-41c9-a4cd-271048b41b9a", // the reference of the transaction in the virtual account "txId": "45af182a0ffab58e5ba32fee57b297b2260c6e23a1de5ddc76c7ee22d72dea99", "blockHash": "45af182a0ffab58e5ba32fee57b297b2260c6e23a1de5ddc76c7ee22d72dea99", // the hash of the block, might not be present every time "blockHeight": 12345, "from": "SENDER_ADDRESS", // might not be present every time; not present for UTXO-based blockchains "to": "RECIPIENT_ADDRESS_CONNECTED_TO_LEDGER_ACCOUNT", // the blockchain address of the recipient "index": 5 // for UTXO-based blockchains (BCH, BTC, DOGE, LTC), this is the index of the output in the transaction } 1 credit is debited for each monitored account every day.
  • ACCOUNT_PENDING_BLOCKCHAIN_TRANSACTION - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications about incoming blockchain transactions on virtual accounts. This web hook is supported only for BCH, BTC, DOGE, ETH, and LTC accounts. - For BTC-based blockchains (BCH, BTC, DOGE, and LTC), this web hook is invoked when an incoming transaction appears in a block for the first time. At that time, the transaction has one confirmation but this is not enough for the transaction to be reflected on the balance of the virtual account yet. Instead, a deposit corresponding to the pending transaction with a status of “in progress” appears on the virtual account. Once the transaction is added to the block, the deposit’s status changes to “done”, and the account balance gets updated. - For EVM-based blockchains (ETH), this web hook is invoked when an incoming transaction appears in the mempool. The virtual account balance is not updated until the transaction is added to a block. Instead, a deposit corresponding to the pending transaction with a status of “in progress” appears on the virtual account. Once the transaction is added to the block, the deposit’s status changes to “done”, and the account balance gets updated. The request body of the POST request is a JSON object with the following structure:{ "date": 1619176527481, "amount": "0.005", "currency": "BTC", "accountId": "6082ab462936b4478117c6a0", "reference: "c9875708-4ba3-41c9-a4cd-271048b41b9a", // the reference of the transaction in the virtual account "txId": "45af182a0ffab58e5ba32fee57b297b2260c6e23a1de5ddc76c7ee22d72dea99", "blockHash": "45af182a0ffab58e5ba32fee57b297b2260c6e23a1de5ddc76c7ee22d72dea99", // the hash of the block, might not be present every time; if set to "null", the transaction is in the mempool (for EVM-based blockchains) "blockHeight": 12345, // if set to "null", the transaction is in the mempool (for EVM-based blockchains) "from": "SENDER_ADDRESS", // might not be present every time; not present for UTXO-based blockchains (BCH, BTC, DOGE, LTC) "to": "RECIPIENT_ADDRESS_CONNECTED_TO_LEDGER_ACCOUNT", // the blockchain address of the recipient "index": 5 // for UTXO-based blockchains (BCH, BTC, DOGE, LTC), this is the index of the output in the transaction } 1 credit is debited for each monitored account every day.
  • CUSTOMER_TRADE_MATCH - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications on closed trade, which occurs on any customer account. This web hook will be invoked, when the open trade is filled and closed. Works also for the Trade Futures. If is triggered by the futures, bool field expiredWithoutMatch is present. Request body of the POST request will be JSON object with attributes:{ "created": 1619176527481, "amount": "0.005", "price": "0.02", "type": "SELL", "pair": "VC_CHF/VC_CHF3", "id": "6082ab462936b4478117c6a0", // id of the trade "currency1AccountId": "6082ab462936b4478117c6a0", "currency2AccountId": "6082ab512936b4478117c6a2", "fee": null, "feeAccountId": null, "isMaker": true, "expiredWithoutMatch": false } 10 credits will be debited for every monitored customer every day.
  • CUSTOMER_PARTIAL_TRADE_MATCH - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications on partialy filled trade, which occurs on any customer account. This web hook will be invoked, when the open trade is partialy filled. Request body of the POST request will be JSON object with attributes:{ "created": 1619176527481, "amount": "0.005", "orderAmount": "0.1", "price": "0.02", "type": "SELL", "pair": "VC_CHF/VC_CHF3", "id": "6082ab462936b4478117c6a0", // id of the trade "currency1AccountId": "6082ab462936b4478117c6a0", "currency2AccountId": "6082ab512936b4478117c6a2", "fee": null, "feeAccountId": null, "isMaker": true, "expiredWithoutMatch": false } 10 credits will be debited for every monitored customer every day.
  • TRANSACTION_IN_THE_BLOCK - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications on ledger => blockchain transaction, when transaction is included in the block. This web hook will be invoked, when the outgoing transaction is included in the block. Request body of the POST request will be JSON object with attributes: { "txId": "0x026f4f05b972c09279111da13dfd20d8df04eff436d7f604cd97b9ffaa690567", "reference": "90270634-5b07-4fad-b17b-f82899953533", "accountId": "6086ed0744c45b24d4fbd039", "currency": "BSC", "withdrawalId": "608fe5b73a893234ba379ab2", "address": "0x8ce4e40889a13971681391AAd29E88eFAF91f784", "amount": "0.1", "blockHeight": 8517664 } 10 credits will be debited every day, 1 credit for every included transaction notified via web hook.
  • KMS_FAILED_TX - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications on error during KMS signature process. This web hook will be invoked, when the Tatum KMS receives error during processing transactions. Request body of the POST request will be JSON object with attributes:{ "signatureId": "6082ab462936b4478117c6a0", "error": "Error message from the KMS" } 10 credits will be debited every day.
  • KMS_COMPLETED_TX - Enable HTTP POST JSON notifications on successful completion of KMS signature process. This web hook will be invoked, when the Tatum KMS successfully completes the signature during processing transactions. Request body of the POST request will be JSON object with attributes:{ "signatureId": "6082ab462936b4478117c6a0", "txId": "0x7bb7d3b90567e89f999f2e3d263bc3738a018dbbcfa9f5397678cf17cdf0235f" } 10 credits will be debited every day.
  • ACCOUNT_BALANCE_LIMIT - Report with all account balances above desired limit.
  • TRANSACTION_HISTORY_REPORT - Report with all ledger transactions for last X hours, where X is set by the subscription attribute as interval. Maximum number of transactions returned by this report is 20000. Transactions are obtained from the time of the invocation of the GET method to obtain report - X hours. In case of unsuccesful web hook response status - other then 2xx - web hook is repeated 9 more times with exponential backoff. Parameters are T = 15 * 2.7925^9, where 15 is interval in s, backoff rate is 2.7925 and 9 is current number of retries. Last web hook is fired after 24 hours approximatelly. After last failed attempt, web hook is deleted from our system. The 2xx response must be returned in 10 seconds after web hook is fired. Result of the operation is subscription ID, which can be used to cancel subscription or obtain additional data connected to it like reports.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionPartialTradeMatch.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionPartialTradeMatch(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionPartialTradeMatch $create_subscription_partial_trade_match,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_partial_trade_match \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionPartialTradeMatch    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionPending.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionPending(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionPending $create_subscription_pending,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_pending \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionPending    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionTradeMatch.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionTradeMatch(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionTradeMatch $create_subscription_trade_match,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_trade_match \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionTradeMatch    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createSubscriptionTxInTheBlock.php


POST /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->createSubscriptionTxInTheBlock(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionTxInTheBlock $create_subscription_tx_in_the_block,
    [ string $testnet_type = 'ethereum-sepolia' ]
): \Tatum\Model\Id


Name Type Description Notes
$create_subscription_tx_in_the_block \Tatum\Model\CreateSubscriptionTxInTheBlock    
$testnet_type string Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to ethereum-sepolia. [optional] [default to 'ethereum-sepolia']

Return type



Create a subscription

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f deleteSubscription.php


DELETE /v3/subscription/{id}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->deleteSubscription(
    string $id


Name Type Description Notes
$id string Subscription ID  

Return type

void (empty response body)


Cancel existing subscription

1 credit for API call

Cancel existing subscription.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f disableWebHookHmac.php


DELETE /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->disableWebHookHmac()


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type

void (empty response body)


Disable HMAC webhook digest

2 credits per API call.

Disable HMAC hash ID on the fired webhooks from Tatum API.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f enableWebHookHmac.php


PUT /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->enableWebHookHmac(
    \Tatum\Model\HmacWebHook $hmac_web_hook


Name Type Description Notes
$hmac_web_hook \Tatum\Model\HmacWebHook    

Return type

void (empty response body)


Enable HMAC webhook digest

2 credits per API call.

Enable HMAC hash ID on the fired webhooks from Tatum API. In order to make sure that a webhook is sent by us, we have the possibility to sign it with the HMAC Sha512 Hex algorithm. To verify that a webhook is sent by us

  • Get a webhook x-payload-hash header value and payload as it is as a JSON file.
  • Convert the HTTP webhook body to stringify JSON without any spaces. In JavaScript, you would do it like this JSON.stringify(req.body)
  • Perform calculations on your side to create a digest using Secret Key, webhook payload in bytes and HMAC SHA512 algorithm. JavaScript example: require('crypto').createHmac('sha512', hmacSecret).update(JSON.stringify(req.body)).digest('base64').
  • Compare x-payload-hash header value with calculated digest as a Base64 string.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f getAllWebhooks.php


GET /v3/subscription/webhook

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->getAllWebhooks(
    float $page_size,
    [ float $offset, ]
    [ string $direction, ]
    [ bool $failed ]
): \Tatum\Model\WebHook[]


Name Type Description Notes
$page_size float Max number of items per page is 50.  
$offset float Offset to obtain the next page of data. [optional]
$direction string Direction of sorting [optional]
$failed bool Flag indicating whether the webhook was successful or not [optional]

Return type



List all executed webhooks

1 credit per API call.

List all webhooks.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f getAllWebhooksCount.php


GET /v3/subscription/webhook/count

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->getAllWebhooksCount(
    float $page_size,
    [ float $offset, ]
    [ string $direction, ]
    [ bool $failed ]
): \Tatum\Model\EntitiesCount


Name Type Description Notes
$page_size float Max number of items per page is 50.  
$offset float Offset to obtain the next page of data. [optional]
$direction string Direction of sorting [optional]
$failed bool Flag indicating whether the webhook was successful or not [optional]

Return type



Count of found entities for get webhook request

1 credit per API call.

Count of webhooks that were found from /v3/subscription/webhook

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f getSubscriptionReport.php


GET /v3/subscription/report/{id}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->getSubscriptionReport(
    string $id
): \Tatum\Model\GetSubscriptionReport200Response


Name Type Description Notes
$id string Subscription ID  

Return type



Obtain report for subscription

1 credit for API call. Based on the required report type, additional credits may be charged.

Obtain report from subscription based on its type. Following reports are supported:

  • ACCOUNT_BALANCE_LIMIT - obtain list of all ledger accounts with account balance above the limit. 1 credit per 50 returned records is charged.
  • TRANSACTION_HISTORY_REPORT - obtain list of all ledger transaction for last X hours from the time of invocation. 1 credit per 50 returned records is charged.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f getSubscriptions.php


GET /v3/subscription

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->getSubscriptions(
    float $page_size,
    [ float $offset, ]
    [ string $address ]
): \Tatum\Model\Subscription[]


Name Type Description Notes
$page_size float Max number of items per page is 50.  
$offset float Offset to obtain next page of the data. [optional]
$address string Value for filtering by address [optional]

Return type



List all active subscriptions

1 credit per API call.

List all active subscriptions.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f getSubscriptionsCount.php


GET /v3/subscription/count

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->notificationSubscriptions()->getSubscriptionsCount(
    float $page_size,
    [ float $offset, ]
    [ string $address ]
): \Tatum\Model\EntitiesCount


Name Type Description Notes
$page_size float Max number of items per page is 50.  
$offset float Offset to obtain next page of the data. [optional]
$address string Value for filtering by address [optional]

Return type



Count of found entities for get webhook request

1 credit per API call.

Count of subscriptions that were found from /v3/subscription

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