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Model getters

Method name Return type Description Notes
getAccepted() bool
Example: true
getAccountHash() string Hash of all account state information in this ledger, as hex.
Example: 9E081790E520046EBA4B2ED3869C762C16EEAC6817293D40AFFD1F1B602A2321
getCloseFlags() int A bit-map of flags relating to the closing of this ledger. Currently, the ledger has only one flag defined for close_flags: sLCF_NoConsensusTime (value 1). If this flag is enabled, it means that validators were in conflict regarding the correct close time for the ledger, but build otherwise the same ledger, so they declared consensus while “agreeing to disagree” on the close time. In this case, the consensus ledger contains a close_time that is 1 second after that of the previous ledger. (In this case, there is no official close time, but the actual real-world close time is probably 3-6 seconds later than the specified close_time.)
Example: 0
getCloseTime() int The time this ledger was closed, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch
Example: 640976331
getCloseTimeHuman() string The time this ledger was closed, in human-readable format. Always uses the UTC time zone.
Example: 2020-Apr-23 16:58:51.000000000 UTC
getCloseTimeResolution() int Ledger close times are rounded to within this many seconds.
Example: 10
getClosed() bool Whether or not this ledger has been closed.
Example: true
getHash() string
Example: 198E3A43EFD03F61CF11EAD6585E8C82A21C1B91CCF782A3264973867E697906
getLedgerHash() string Unique identifying hash of the entire ledger.
Example: 198E3A43EFD03F61CF11EAD6585E8C82A21C1B91CCF782A3264973867E697906
getLedgerIndex() string The Ledger Index of this ledger, as a quoted integer.
Example: 6543210
getParentCloseTime() int The time at which the previous ledger was closed.
Example: 640976330
getParentHash() string Unique identifying hash of the ledger that came immediately before this one.
Example: 02860E47A797340505B51DE00E21AA576B1E50509C0C7FF8D5475954DA5FE7B5
getSeqNum() string
Example: 6543210
getTotalCoins() string
Example: 99999971496551645
getTotalCoins() string Total number of XRP drops in the network, as a quoted integer. (This decreases as transaction costs destroy XRP.)
Example: 99999971496551645
getTransactionHash() string Hash of the transaction information included in this ledger, as hex.
Example: F415CCAB1ED22B2E81C8BE588A0521634F1CBC478BE3A5563B1E09D283A082C9
getTransactions() \Tatum\Model\XrpTx[]
Example: null