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Model getters

Method name Return type Description Notes
getChain() string The blockchain to work with
Example: TRON
getCustodialAddress() string The gas pump address that transfers the asset; this is the address that you precalculated and activated earlier and that is assigned to a customer in your custodial application; this is not the “master address”
Example: TYMwiDu22V6XG3yk6W9cTVBz48okKLRczh
getFrom() string The blockchain address that owns the gas pump address (“master address”) in the Base58 format
Example: TBAYy8ykFZqdzxMwaqacHvUvUzUTp6ZR5U
getRecipient() string The blockchain address that receives the asset
Example: TYMcTVBz48okKLRczhwiDu22V6XG3yk6W9
getContractType() float The type of the asset to transfer. Set 0 for fungible tokens (ERC-20 or equivalent), 1 for NFTs (ERC-721 or equivalent), or 3 for native blockchain currencies.
Example: 0
getTokenAddress() string (Only if the asset is a fungible token or NFT) The address of the token to transfer. Do not use if the asset is a native blockchain currency.
Example: TYMG3ykLRczh6W9cTVBz48wiDu22V6XokK
getAmount() string (Only if the asset is a fungible token or native blockchain currency) The amount of the asset to transfer. Do not use if the asset is an NFT.
Example: 100000
getTokenId() string (Only if the asset is an NFT) The ID of the token to transfer. Do not use if the asset is a fungible token or native blockchain currency.
Example: 100000
getSignatureId() string The KMS identifier of the private key of the blockchain address that owns the gas pump address key (“master address”)
Example: 26d3883e-4e17-48b3-a0ee-09a3e484ac83
getIndex() float (Only if the signature ID is mnemonic-based) The index of the “master address”
Example: null
getFeeLimit() float The maximum amount to be paid as the gas fee (in TRX)
Example: 10