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Model getters

Method name Return type Description Notes
getChain() string The blockchain to work with
Example: TRON
getCustodialAddress() string The gas pump address that transfers the assets; this is the address that you precalculated and activated earlier and that is assigned to a customer in your custodial application; this is not the “master address”
Example: TYMwiDu22V6XG3yk6W9cTVBz48okKLRczh
getRecipient() string[] The blockchain address that receives the assets
Example: null
getContractType() float[] The type of the assets to transfer. Set 0 for fungible tokens (ERC-20 or equivalent), 1 for NFTs (ERC-721 or equivalent), or 3 for native blockchain currencies.
Example: null
getTokenAddress() string[] If the assets are fungible tokens or NFTs, set this parameter to the array of the addresses of the tokens to transfer:
"tokenAddress": ["0x782919AFc85eEA2cB736874225456bB5d3e242bA","0x74225456bB5d3e242bA782919AFc85eEA2cB7368",...,"0x3e242bA78274225456bB52cB7368d919AFc85eEA"] If the assets are a native blockchain currency, set this parameter to the array of zeros, a zero per currency:
"tokenAddress": ["0","0",...,"0"]
Example: null
getAmount() string[] If the assets are fungible tokens or a native blockchain currency, set this parameter to the array of the amounts of the assets to transfer:
"amount": ["100000","15000",...,"250000"] If the assets are NFTs, set this parameter to the array of zeros, a zero per NFT:
"amount": ["0","0",...,"0"]
Example: null
getTokenId() string[] If the assets are NFTs, set this parameter to the array of the IDs of the tokens to transfer:
"tokenId": ["12","13",...,"24"] If the assets are fungible tokens or a native blockchain currency, set this parameter to the array of zeros, a zero per fungible token/currency:
"tokenId": ["0","0",...,"0"]
Example: null
getFromPrivateKey() string The private key of the blockchain address that owns the gas pump address (“master address”)
Example: 05e150c73f1920ec14caa1e0b6aa09940899678051a78542840c2648ce5080c2
getFeeLimit() float The maximum amount to be paid as the gas fee (in TRX)
Example: 10