Model getters
Method name | Return type | Description | Notes |
getBlockHash() | string | Hash of the block where this transaction was in. Example: 0xcf2c40f475e78c7c19778e1ae999a0e371c9319b38182ea15dc94536f13f9137 | [optional] |
getStatus() | bool | TRUE if the transaction was successful, FALSE, if the EVM reverted the transaction. Example: true | [optional] |
getBlockNumber() | mixed | The number of the block that the transaction is included in; if not returned, the transaction has not been included in a block yet. Example: 6470854 | [optional] |
getFrom() | string | Address of the sender. Example: 0x81b7E08F65Bdf5648606c89998A9CC8164397647 | [optional] |
getGas() | float | Gas provided by the sender. Example: 21000 | [optional] |
getGasPrice() | string | Gas price provided by the sender in wei. Example: 1000000000 | [optional] |
getTransactionHash() | string | Hash of the transaction. Example: 0xe6e7340394958674cdf8606936d292f565e4ecc476aaa8b258ec8a141f7c75d7 | [optional] |
getInput() | string | The data sent along with the transaction. Example: 0x | [optional] |
getNonce() | float | The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one. Example: 26836405 | [optional] |
getTo() | string | Address of the receiver. ‘null’ when its a contract creation transaction. Example: 0xbC546fa1716Ed886967cf73f40e8F2F5e623a92d | [optional] |
getTransactionIndex() | mixed | The integer of the transactions index position in the block; if not returned, the transaction has not been included in a block yet. Example: 3 | [optional] |
getValue() | string | Value transferred in wei. Example: 1000000000000000000 | [optional] |
getGasUsed() | mixed | The amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone; if not returned, the transaction has not been included in a block yet. Example: 21000 | [optional] |
getCumulativeGasUsed() | mixed | The total amount of gas used when this transaction was executed in the block; if not returned, the transaction has not been included in a block yet. Example: 314159 | [optional] |
getContractAddress() | string | The contract address created, if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null. Example: 0x81b7E08F65Bdf5648606c89998A9CC8164397647 | [optional] |
getLogs() | \Tatum\Model\OneTxLog[] | Log events, that happened in this transaction. Example: null | [optional] |