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Tron API Reference

// Set your API Keys 👇 here
$sdk = new \Tatum\Sdk();

// MainNet API Call

// TestNet API Call


Method Description
createTronTrc10Blockchain() Create a TRC-10 token
createTronTrc10BlockchainKMS() Create a TRC-10 token
createTronTrc20Blockchain() Create a TRC-20 token
createTronTrc20BlockchainKMS() Create a TRC-20 token
freezeTron() Freeze the balance of a TRON account
freezeTronKMS() Freeze the balance of a TRON account
generateTronwallet() Generate a TRON wallet
transferTronBlockchain() Send TRX to a TRON account
transferTronBlockchainKMS() Send TRX to a TRON account
transferTronTrc10Blockchain() Send TRC-10 tokens to a TRON account
transferTronTrc10BlockchainKMS() Send TRC-10 tokens to a TRON account
transferTronTrc20Blockchain() Send TRC-20 tokens to a TRON account
transferTronTrc20BlockchainKMS() Send TRC-20 tokens to a TRON account
tronAccountTx() Get all transactions for a TRON account
tronAccountTx20() Get TRC-20 transactions for a TRON account
tronBroadcast() Broadcast a TRON transaction
tronGenerateAddress() Generate a TRON address from the wallet’s extended public key
tronGenerateAddressPrivateKey() Generate the private key for a TRON address
tronGetAccount() Get the TRON account by its address
tronGetBlock() Get a TRON block by its hash or height
tronGetCurrentBlock() Get the current TRON block
tronGetTransaction() Get a TRON transaction by its hash
tronTrc10Detail() Get information about a TRC-10 token



#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createTronTrc10Blockchain.php


POST /v3/tron/trc10/deploy

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->createTronTrc10Blockchain(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateTronTrc10Blockchain $create_tron_trc10_blockchain
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$create_tron_trc10_blockchain \Tatum\Model\CreateTronTrc10Blockchain    

Return type



Create a TRC-10 token

10 credits per API call

Create a TRON TRC-10 token.

One TRON account can create only one TRC-10 token. The whole supply of the token is transferred to the issuer’s account 100 seconds after the token has been created.

Signing a transaction When creating a TRC-10 token, you are charged a fee for the transaction, and you must sign the transaction with the private key of the blockchain address from which the fee will be deducted.

Providing the private key in the API is not a secure way of signing transactions, because the private key can be stolen or exposed. Your private keys should never leave your security perimeter. You should use the private keys only for testing a solution you are building on the testnet of a blockchain.

For signing transactions on the mainnet, we strongly recommend that you use the Tatum Key Management System (KMS) and provide the signature ID instead of the private key in the API. Alternatively, you can use the Tatum JavaScript client.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createTronTrc10BlockchainKMS.php


POST /v3/tron/trc10/deploy

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->createTronTrc10BlockchainKMS(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateTronTrc10BlockchainKMS $create_tron_trc10_blockchain_kms
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$create_tron_trc10_blockchain_kms \Tatum\Model\CreateTronTrc10BlockchainKMS    

Return type



Create a TRC-10 token

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createTronTrc20Blockchain.php


POST /v3/tron/trc20/deploy

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->createTronTrc20Blockchain(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateTronTrc20Blockchain $create_tron_trc20_blockchain
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$create_tron_trc20_blockchain \Tatum\Model\CreateTronTrc20Blockchain    

Return type



Create a TRC-20 token

10 credits per API call

Create a TRON TRC-20 token.

Signing a transaction When creating a TRC-20 token, you are charged a fee for the transaction, and you must sign the transaction with the private key of the blockchain address from which the fee will be deducted.

Providing the private key in the API is not a secure way of signing transactions, because the private key can be stolen or exposed. Your private keys should never leave your security perimeter. You should use the private keys only for testing a solution you are building on the testnet of a blockchain.

For signing transactions on the mainnet, we strongly recommend that you use the Tatum Key Management System (KMS) and provide the signature ID instead of the private key in the API. Alternatively, you can use the Tatum JavaScript client.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f createTronTrc20BlockchainKMS.php


POST /v3/tron/trc20/deploy

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->createTronTrc20BlockchainKMS(
    \Tatum\Model\CreateTronTrc20BlockchainKMS $create_tron_trc20_blockchain_kms
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$create_tron_trc20_blockchain_kms \Tatum\Model\CreateTronTrc20BlockchainKMS    

Return type



Create a TRC-20 token

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f freezeTron.php


POST /v3/tron/freezeBalance

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->freezeTron(
    \Tatum\Model\FreezeTron $freeze_tron
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$freeze_tron \Tatum\Model\FreezeTron    

Return type



Freeze the balance of a TRON account

10 credits per API call

Freeze Tron assets on the address. By freezing assets, you can obtain energy or bandwidth to perform transactions.

Signing a transaction When freezing the balance, you are charged a fee for the transaction, and you must sign the transaction with the private key of the blockchain address from which the fee will be deducted.

Providing the private key in the API is not a secure way of signing transactions, because the private key can be stolen or exposed. Your private keys should never leave your security perimeter. You should use the private keys only for testing a solution you are building on the testnet of a blockchain.

For signing transactions on the mainnet, we strongly recommend that you use the Tatum Key Management System (KMS) and provide the signature ID instead of the private key in the API. Alternatively, you can use the Tatum JavaScript client.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f freezeTronKMS.php


POST /v3/tron/freezeBalance

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->freezeTronKMS(
    \Tatum\Model\FreezeTronKMS $freeze_tron_kms
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$freeze_tron_kms \Tatum\Model\FreezeTronKMS    

Return type



Freeze the balance of a TRON account

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f generateTronwallet.php


GET /v3/tron/wallet

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->generateTronwallet(
    [ string $mnemonic ]
): \Tatum\Model\TronWallet


Name Type Description Notes
$mnemonic string Mnemonic to use for generation of extended public and private keys. [optional]

Return type



Generate a TRON wallet

1 credit per API call

Tatum supports BIP44 HD wallets. It is very convenient and secure, since it can generate 2^31 addresses from 1 mnemonic phrase. Mnemonic phrase consists of 24 special words in defined order and can restore access to all generated addresses and private keys. Each address is identified by 3 main values:

  • Private Key - your secret value, which should never be revealed
  • Public Key - public address to be published
  • Derivation index - index of generated address

Tatum follows BIP44 specification and generates for Bitcoin wallet with derivation path m’/44’/195’/0’/0. More about BIP44 HD wallets can be found here - Generate BIP44 compatible Tron wallet.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f transferTronBlockchain.php


POST /v3/tron/transaction

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->transferTronBlockchain(
    \Tatum\Model\TransferTronBlockchain $transfer_tron_blockchain
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$transfer_tron_blockchain \Tatum\Model\TransferTronBlockchain    

Return type



Send TRX to a TRON account

10 credits per API call

Send an amount in TRX from address to address.

Signing a transaction

When sending TRX to a TRON account, you are charged a fee for the transaction, and you must sign the transaction with the private key of the blockchain address from which the fee will be deducted.

Providing the private key in the API is not a secure way of signing transactions, because the private key can be stolen or exposed. Your private keys should never leave your security perimeter. You should use the private keys only for testing a solution you are building on the testnet of a blockchain.

For signing transactions on the mainnet, we strongly recommend that you use the Tatum Key Management System (KMS) and provide the signature ID instead of the private key in the API. Alternatively, you can use the Tatum JavaScript client.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f transferTronBlockchainKMS.php


POST /v3/tron/transaction

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->transferTronBlockchainKMS(
    \Tatum\Model\TransferTronBlockchainKMS $transfer_tron_blockchain_kms
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$transfer_tron_blockchain_kms \Tatum\Model\TransferTronBlockchainKMS    

Return type



Send TRX to a TRON account

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f transferTronTrc10Blockchain.php


POST /v3/tron/trc10/transaction

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->transferTronTrc10Blockchain(
    \Tatum\Model\TransferTronTrc10Blockchain $transfer_tron_trc10_blockchain
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$transfer_tron_trc10_blockchain \Tatum\Model\TransferTronTrc10Blockchain    

Return type



Send TRC-10 tokens to a TRON account

10 credits per API call

Send TRC-10 tokens from address to address.

Signing a transaction

When sending TRC-10 tokens to a TRON account, you are charged a fee for the transaction, and you must sign the transaction with the private key of the blockchain address from which the fee will be deducted.

Providing the private key in the API is not a secure way of signing transactions, because the private key can be stolen or exposed. Your private keys should never leave your security perimeter. You should use the private keys only for testing a solution you are building on the testnet of a blockchain.

For signing transactions on the mainnet, we strongly recommend that you use the Tatum Key Management System (KMS) and provide the signature ID instead of the private key in the API. Alternatively, you can use the Tatum JavaScript client.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f transferTronTrc10BlockchainKMS.php


POST /v3/tron/trc10/transaction

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->transferTronTrc10BlockchainKMS(
    \Tatum\Model\TransferTronTrc10BlockchainKMS $transfer_tron_trc10_blockchain_kms
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$transfer_tron_trc10_blockchain_kms \Tatum\Model\TransferTronTrc10BlockchainKMS    

Return type



Send TRC-10 tokens to a TRON account

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f transferTronTrc20Blockchain.php


POST /v3/tron/trc20/transaction

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->transferTronTrc20Blockchain(
    \Tatum\Model\TransferTronTrc20Blockchain $transfer_tron_trc20_blockchain
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$transfer_tron_trc20_blockchain \Tatum\Model\TransferTronTrc20Blockchain    

Return type



Send TRC-20 tokens to a TRON account

10 credits per API call

Send TRC-20 tokens from address to address.

Signing a transaction

When sending TRC-20 tokens to a TRON account, you are charged a fee for the transaction, and you must sign the transaction with the private key of the blockchain address from which the fee will be deducted.

Providing the private key in the API is not a secure way of signing transactions, because the private key can be stolen or exposed. Your private keys should never leave your security perimeter. You should use the private keys only for testing a solution you are building on the testnet of a blockchain.

For signing transactions on the mainnet, we strongly recommend that you use the Tatum Key Management System (KMS) and provide the signature ID instead of the private key in the API. Alternatively, you can use the Tatum JavaScript client.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f transferTronTrc20BlockchainKMS.php


POST /v3/tron/trc20/transaction

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->transferTronTrc20BlockchainKMS(
    \Tatum\Model\TransferTronTrc20BlockchainKMS $transfer_tron_trc20_blockchain_kms
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$transfer_tron_trc20_blockchain_kms \Tatum\Model\TransferTronTrc20BlockchainKMS    

Return type



Send TRC-20 tokens to a TRON account

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronAccountTx.php


GET /v3/tron/transaction/account/{address}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronAccountTx(
    string $address,
    [ string $next ]
): \Tatum\Model\TronAccountTx200Response


Name Type Description Notes
$address string The address of the TRON account to get all transactions for  
$next string The fingerprint of the transaction that follows the last (200<sup>th</sup>) transaction in the returned list of transactions. Use it to get the next 200 transactions for the specified account (for more information, see the description of this API). [optional]

Return type



Get all transactions for a TRON account

5 credits per API call

Get all transactions for a TRON account.

This API returns up to 200 transactions in one API call. If there are more than 200 transactions for the TRON account, the response body will contain the next parameter with the fingerprint of the transaction that follows the last (200th) transaction in the returned list.

To get the next 200 transactions, make another call using this API, but this time add the next parameter the endpoint URL and set it to the transaction fingerprint from the next parameter in the response, for example:{address}?next=81d0524acf5967f3b361e03fd7d141ab511791cd7aad7ae406c4c8d408290991

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronAccountTx20.php


GET /v3/tron/transaction/account/{address}/trc20

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronAccountTx20(
    string $address,
    [ string $next ]
): \Tatum\Model\TronAccountTx20200Response


Name Type Description Notes
$address string The address of the TRON account to get TRC-20 transactions for  
$next string The fingerprint of the transaction that follows the last (200<sup>th</sup>) transaction in the returned list of transactions. Use it to get the next 200 transactions for the specified account (for more information, see the description of this API). [optional]

Return type



Get TRC-20 transactions for a TRON account

5 credits per API call

Get TRC-20 transactions for a TRON account.

This API returns up to 200 transactions in one API call. If there are more than 200 transactions for the TRON account, the response body will contain the next parameter with the fingerprint of the transaction that follows the last (200th) transaction in the returned list.

To get the next 200 transactions, make another call using this API, but this time add the next parameter the endpoint URL and set it to the transaction fingerprint from the next parameter in the response, for example:{address}/trc20?next=81d0524acf5967f3b361e03fd7d141ab511791cd7aad7ae406c4c8d408290991

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronBroadcast.php


POST /v3/tron/broadcast

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronBroadcast(
    \Tatum\Model\TronBroadcast $tron_broadcast
): \Tatum\Model\TransactionHash


Name Type Description Notes
$tron_broadcast \Tatum\Model\TronBroadcast    

Return type



Broadcast a TRON transaction

5 credits per API call

Broadcast Tron transaction. This method is used internally from Tatum client libraries. It is possible to create custom signing mechanism and use this method only for broadcasting data to the blockchain.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronGenerateAddress.php


GET /v3/tron/address/{xpub}/{index}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronGenerateAddress(
    string $xpub,
    float $index
): \Tatum\Model\TronGenerateAddress200Response


Name Type Description Notes
$xpub string The extended public key of the wallet; can be in the base58 format (111 characters) or the hexadecimal format (130 characters)  
$index float Derivation index of desired address to be generated.  

Return type



Generate a TRON address from the wallet’s extended public key

5 credits per API call

Generate a TRON address from the extended public key of the wallet. The address is generated for the specific index - each extended public key can generate up to 2^32 addresses with the index starting from 0 up to 2^31.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronGenerateAddressPrivateKey.php


POST /v3/tron/wallet/priv

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronGenerateAddressPrivateKey(
    \Tatum\Model\PrivKeyRequest $priv_key_request
): \Tatum\Model\PrivKey


Name Type Description Notes
$priv_key_request \Tatum\Model\PrivKeyRequest    

Return type



Generate the private key for a TRON address

10 credits per API call

Generate private key for address from mnemonic for given derivation path index. Private key is generated for the specific index - each mnemonic can generate up to 2^31 private keys starting from index 0 until 2^31.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronGetAccount.php


GET /v3/tron/account/{address}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronGetAccount(
    string $address
): \Tatum\Model\TronAccount


Name Type Description Notes
$address string Account address.  

Return type



Get the TRON account by its address

5 credits per API call

Get Tron account by address.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronGetBlock.php


GET /v3/tron/block/{hash}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronGetBlock(
    string $hash
): \Tatum\Model\TronBlock


Name Type Description Notes
$hash string Block hash or height.  

Return type



Get a TRON block by its hash or height

5 credits per API call

Get Tron block by hash or height.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronGetCurrentBlock.php


GET /v3/tron/info

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronGetCurrentBlock(): \Tatum\Model\TronGetCurrentBlock200Response


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



Get the current TRON block

5 credits per API call

Get current Tron block.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronGetTransaction.php


GET /v3/tron/transaction/{hash}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronGetTransaction(
    string $hash
): \Tatum\Model\TronTx


Name Type Description Notes
$hash string Transaction hash.  

Return type



Get a TRON transaction by its hash

5 credits per API call

Get Tron transaction by hash.

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#️⃣ Execute command in terminal

✨ php -f tronTrc10Detail.php


GET /v3/tron/trc10/detail/{idOrOwnerAddress}

Type signature

(new \Tatum\Sdk())->{mainnet/testnet}()->api()->tron()->tronTrc10Detail(
    string $id_or_owner_address
): \Tatum\Model\TronTrc10Detail


Name Type Description Notes
$id_or_owner_address string The ID of the TRC-10 token or the address of the token's owner  

Return type



Get information about a TRC-10 token

5 credits per API call

Get information about a TRON TRC-10 token.

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