[gh]hash to which this block belongs.
[gen] ID hash to which this block belongs.
[prev] Previous block hash.
[rnd] Current round on which this block was appended to the chain.
[seed] Sortition seed.
[ts] Block creation timestamp in seconds since eposh.
[txn] TransactionsRoot authenticates the set of transactions appearing in the block. More specifically, it's the root of a merkle tree whose leaves are the block's Txids, in lexicographic order. For the empty block, it's 0. Note that the TxnRoot does not authenticate the signatures on the transactions, only the transactions themselves. Two blocks with the same transactions but in a different order and with different order and with different signatures will have the same TxnRot.
[tc] TxnCounter counts the number of transactions committed in the ledger, from the time at which support for this feature was introduced. (optional)
[txns]list of transactions corresponding to a given round.
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